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Fiddler on the Roof
Tevye & Papas
Who day and night Must scramble for a living,
feed a wife and children,
say his daily prayers;
and who has the right as master of the house,
to have the final word at home?

The papa, the papas... tradition
The papa, the papas... tradition

Golde & Mamas
Who must know the way to make a proper home,
a quiet home, a kosher home,
So papa's free to read the holy book?

The mama, the mama... tradition
The mama, the mama... tradition

At three I started Hebrew school;
At ten I learned a trade;
I hear they picked a bride for me,
I hope... she's pretty.

And who does mama teach
To mend and tend and fix
Preparing me to marry

Whoever papa picks?

The daughters, the daughters... tradition!

Papas: The papas. Mamas: The mamas.
Sons: The sons. Daughters: The daughters
All: Tradition!      next